Best Practice

  • VueTube
    • A simple and open source video streaming client aimed to recreate ALL the features from their respective apps (and more!)
  • Alock
    • 一款免费用于隐藏指定 App 的应用。使用 Alock 可以彻底地从 iPhone/iPad 上隐藏指定的 App,隐藏后的 App 在主屏幕、App资料库、搜索、系统设置中均不可见。最大程度保护您的隐私。
  • Restfox
    • Offline-first web HTTP client
  • Json Parser in Standard C (C99)
    • JSON parser in standard C
  • Haven
    • Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal areas and possessions without compromising their privacy.
    • On-Device Sensors, Camera, Power
  • pho
    • A serverless application for viewing and synchronizing photos to cloud storage
    • Multiplatform
  • YuzuMarker.FontDetection
    • CJK(中日韩)字体识别以及样式提取 YuzuMarker的字体识别模型与实现
  • Chitchatter
    • Chitchatter is a free (as in both price and freedom) communication tool. Designed to be the simplest way to connect with others privately and securely.
  • Tails
    • A portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship.
  • Csv2ImageApp
    • Convert Csv into png image.
    • Swift
  • IceCubesApp
    • IceCubesApp is an open source application for accessing the decentralized social network Mastodon! It’s built entirely in SwiftUI, making it fast, lightweight, and easy to use.
  • Sniffnet
    • Application to comfortably monitor your Internet traffic Multithreaded, cross-platform, reliable
    • Multilanguage
  • tracker-control-android
    • TrackerControl is an Android app that allows users to monitor and control the widespread, ongoing, hidden data collection in mobile apps about user behaviour (’tracking’).
  • Android-Touch-Helper
    • 开屏跳过-安卓系统的开屏广告自动跳过助手
  • Plane
    • Open Source JIRA, Linear and Height Alternative.
  • ONLYOFFICE Community Server
    • ONLYOFFICE Community Server is a free open-source collaborative system developed to manage documents, projects, customer relationship and email correspondence, all in one place.
  • basic-computer-games
    • An updated version of the classic “Basic Computer Games” book, with well-written examples in a variety of common MEMORY SAFE, SCRIPTING programming languages.
  • Today I Learned
    • A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies.
  • Pot (派了个萌的翻译器)
    • 一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件
  • Easydict
    • 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App
  • schedule-x
    • Material design calendar and date picker
  • 中国历朝代视频讲解
  • Postal
    • A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
  • briefsky
    • A free weather frontend to a variety of weather providers
  • Awesome Cloudflare
  • Magic Wormhole
    • Get things from one computer to another, safely.